A Trojan Woman

A Trojan Woman

« A Trojan Woman » is an interactive documentary shot at the Ventura Youth Correctional Facility in California, that juxtaposes the raw, real-life narrative of Shanice D., a young woman incarcerated for two murders and one attempt, with the ancient tale of Cassandra from Euripides’ The Trojan Women. This bold fusion challenges the audience to explore themes of fate, justice, and redemption through these two stories, separated by thousands of years.

Visit: www.atrojanwoman.com


Luc Walpoth


Interactive documentary, Social, 45′, Switzerland/ USA, 2024


Turbulence Films, Geneva, Switzerland


Country: Switzerland, USA
Running Time: 45 Min.

Procuction company: Turbulence Films, UCSB

Cast: Shanice D

Director: Luc Walpoth
Screenplay: Luc Walpoth, Shanice D.
Producer: Luc Walpoth, Michael Morgan

Camera: Gareth Taylor
Editor: Amaury Berger
Sound: Peter von Siebenthal, Maya Baur, Victoria McJunkin
Music: Lars Deutsch

Production Designer: Christina McCarthy
Costumes: Ghislaine Harding
Make-up: Sarah Krasnianski